How Does Boric Acid Suppositories Work

how does boric acid suppositories work

If you’ve been looking into treatment options for yeast infections, you may be wondering how does how does boric acid suppositories work. These suppositories are a safe, effective alternative to prescription medication, and they may help keep your vagina healthy and clear of infection. But you should still check with your healthcare provider for recommendations and advice.

Recurrent yeast infections occur when there is a bacterial overgrowth in your vagina, and they can cause a range of symptoms, including itchiness, spotting, and swollen vulva. Bacterial vaginosis can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, which is why you should seek medical attention if you have any of these symptoms.

Boric acid suppositories work by preventing the growth of pathogens. This prevents infection, and it can also be helpful for maintaining an acidic pH.

The safety of boric acid vaginal suppositories

Boric acid has been used for decades as a way to keep the vagina’s acidity in check. It’s especially effective against atypical strains of yeast, and some studies suggest it can even be effective against treatment-resistant infections.

However, boric acid is not safe for pregnant women, and if you are trying to conceive, you should discuss it with your doctor. You should also be aware that these medications have a variety of side effects, so they’re not for everyone.

When you start taking boric acid suppositories, you should be careful to follow the recommended dosage and use the product in a comfortable, private location. The suppositories should be inserted as far into your vagina as you feel comfortable.